STL Pool

This is a central hub of all things related to pool in and around the St. Louis, Missouri, area. Weekly tournaments, exhibitions/seminars, league information, cue makers, and billiard rooms can all be found here.

Upcoming Events

8 Ball at The Crowbar - 12/27/24 6:30 PM

$10 Entry, split quarters. Race to 3, BCA rules, alternate break, jump shots allowed. signups at 6. Limited to 16 players

Teacher's 9-Ball Fridays - 12/27/24 7:00 PM

$25 entry includes $3 green fees and $2 Break'n'Run ticket. +3 Handicap system. Diamond 7' tables, cyclops balls. Open to all players. Break'n'Run Pot Raffle at 9pm.

Kenny's Friday 8-Ball - 12/27/24 7:30 PM

Weekly Chip TournamentHandicaps are skill levels 3-8, based on your current or adjusted MO8 raiting. Unknown players start as a 5.Chip tournament format:8's get 3 hcips, 7's get 4 chips, 6's get 5, 5's get 6, 4's get 7 and 3's get 8 chips. Single game, flip for the break. Winner keeps the table, loser forfeits 1 chip.Player eliminated once all chips are lost.Pays 1st - 4th, Auction with 15 or more players, House matches 100% with 8 or more

Teacher's Saturday 9-Ball - 12/28/24 2:00 PM

$25 entry includes $5 green fees. +3 Handicap system. Diamond 7' tables, cyclops balls. Open to all players.

Kenny's Saturday 10-Ball - 12/28/24 6:00 PM

Weekly Chip TournamentHandicaps are skill levels 3-8, based on your current or adjusted MO8 raiting. Unknown players start as a 5.Chip tournament format:8's get 3 chips, 7's get 4 chips, 6's get 5, 5's get 6, 4's get 7 and 3's get 8 chips. Single game, flip for the break. Winner keeps the table, loser forfeits 1 chip.Player eliminated once all chips are lost.Pays 1st - 4th, Auction with 15 or more players, House matches 100% with 8 or more

9-Ball at Crowbar - 12/28/24 6:00 PM

$10 entry, split quarters. Race to 3. 3-foul, jumps allowed, alternate break. Signups at 6, if 16 players, calcutta available.Fargo-rated and reported via challonge bracket.

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